DJ'S Connect. ZipDJ is one of the world's most advanced music promo pool designed for DJs by DJs. Over 1700 of the top international music labels rely on zipDJ as part of their marketing and promotion initiatives.
Music Collection Music Management System. Download entire album zip file Version 2. Sunday, July 08 2012, 07:04 PM Andrea Offline 0. Hi Germi, I saw in another post that someone was asking you if it's possible for users to download multiple tracks at once and you said there is a field in the backend that allows that. You said 'there is.
What is zipDJ and why join? ZipDJ is an elite subscription-based music promotion service for DJs. ZipDJ distributes upfront promotional releases to professionals in the club and radio sectors of the music industry. Quite simply, zipDJ is instrumental in breaking new music! We're Leading The Way zipDJ is a preeminent leader in digital music downloads for DJs! Just some benefits include: • • Unlimited Downloads with a large variety of exclusive mixes and remixes.