Satoshi Urushihara Illustrations Rar

Satoshi Urushihara created some of the Langrisser series’ most iconic designs over two decades ago, when the series was first getting started. He recently had the chance to talk about the remake art by Ar Tonelico artist Ryo Nagi, as well as reminiscence about working on the originals, in an interview with. Here are the highlights: Famitsu: What did you think of the fact that Langrisser was getting a remake 27 years later? Satoshi Urushihara, character designer: “When I first heard about it, I was really shocked.

Satoshi Urushihara Zerochan

IllustrationsSatoshiSatoshi Urushihara Illustrations Rar

Satoshi Urushihara Illustrations Raritan

To have fans that would stick with the series for 27 years, this series must be really blessed, I thought. Personally, I picture it as work that was completed long ago. (laughs) I’m really grateful and happy I can listen to the players talk about it in this day and age. While the series was being developed, we did talk about changing character designers. That’s because as a series goes on, it runs the risk of becoming rote and predictable, so if we could find the right timing to change character designers, then it feel more fresh that way.” Famitsu: Was that something you suggested? Urushihara: “That’s right. If I had to go into detail, by the time III was done, I felt I had done everything I could with my designs.

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